The Lesbian Book Club With Cari Hunter

Welcome to Episode 16 of The Lesbian Book Club! We’re already nearly a month down in 2016 already (scary!), so I thought I’d take the time to speak to the fabulous UK lesbian crime author Cari Hunter of No Good Reason and the Cold To The Touch fame. I read both of these in preparation for the interview, and I can tell you they’re excellent books, packed with cracking dialogue, realism and no little charm. Cari talks about her writing process, how she’s an accidental novelist and also the key question: what is her favourite biscuit? Find out all this & more in our fantastic chat!

As usual, I also do a run-down of the Amazon lesbian fiction charts in the US & UK, as well as sharing what I’ve been up to of late, including writing a follow-up to my last book – All I Want For Valentine’s is out on Jan 29th, so I hope you’ll follow along with Tori & Holly’s story! Get in touch and let her know who you’d like as a guest on the show:
