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Friday, May 3rd 2019

Hello and happy Friday! At least, I think it’s Friday. I’m currently on holiday in Jamaica, so all the days are melting into one long sunshine-flavoured blur. So far this week I’ve floated in the ocean, partied on a catamaran, watched my niece get married and drunk a gallon of rum punch (approx). Plus, I’ve come up with so many lesbian romance story ideas my head’s spinning. Turns out, sunshine serves as great inspiration. Watch out for an all-inclusive lesbian romance coming your way soon!

Here are this week’s Jamiacan-infused stats that count…

Cups of caffeinated beverage today: Two coffees with a dash of cream, drunk on a balcony overlooking the Caribbean sea. Coffee perfection.

Steps today: I’m on holiday and have locked my FitBit in my safe. I walked to the breakfast buffet, then to the beach. Doughnuts are fine to eat for breakfast, right? Asking for a friend.

What am I working on? I’m cracking through my English village romance book. I’m at 40k words now, with another 30k to write. It’s shaping up nicely, and my two leads have just snogged for the first time. I do love a good first kiss! This one was under the stars, so keep an eye out for moonlight-dappled kisses, along with midnight-scented nipple tweaks.

What am I reading? I just finished Aurora Rey’s new book, Recipe For Love. If you love your romance served with a main course of food porn, this one’s for you. Also, it featured the best strap-on sex scene I’ve read. Granted, I’ve only read about three, but this one was done particularly well. My new reading squeeze is Joe Heap’s The Rules Of Seeing, which I’m LOVING. Exquisite writing, unique subject matter, an all-round gorgeous surprise.

Lesbians Who Write Podcast: Episode 10 of Lesbians Who Write with myself & TB Markinson is up – listen now! On this week’s show, we dish out the first five of our top tips for writers in 2019. This is a weekly podcast, with a new episode every Monday. Check out the website here, and subscribe to our newsletter by going here. Listeners are already describing us as “not boring or stuffy”, which is a total win…

Audiobook Launch! Fantastic news – London, Actually is out now in audio. Whoop! Grab your copy here. If you’d like to be in my advanced review team for this release, hit reply and let me know. I’ll be sending free audio codes out next week when I get home.

This week’s hot question: What’s more important to you when you’re thinking about buying a book – the cover or the book description? Can you tell me why? For me, if a book has a bad cover, I can’t get past that. Email me and let me know:

That’s it for today. I’m off to slap on the factor 30 and lie by a pool, book in hand. I hope your day is just as horizontal & satisfying!

Lots of love,

Clare. xxx