2012: Best Singles


I love a great single. That moment when vocals and melody meet in mid-air, french kiss and roll around on the rug with not a care for who’s watching or listening. This year has been home to a few rocket-fuelled solo tracks from the likes of Gotye, Carly Rae Jepsen and Fun, but who’s romped to the top of the pile to take my coveted Top Track title? Read on my friend… Continue reading » “2012: Best Singles”


2012: Best Albums

Farewell then, 2012. You brought us the London Olympics and the Queen’s Jubilee, which made us all feel royally fabulous. You were also a glittery disco ball of musical merriment, with a number of standout albums and more than enough pop fragments to snag our attention. Before you evaporate completely from our memory, let’s look back with no anger and more than a scoop of love. And before you ask, no there is no Frank Ocean in the list because while Channel Orange had its moments, it was terminally long and dare we say it, dull – not an accusation you level at any of this lot…

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