Writing A Girl Called London

When I first started thinking about writing the third book in the London Romance series, I wasn’t sure which character to focus on – should I choose one from a previous book, or should I make up a fresh one? But then Tanya kept knocking at my plot door, and she was quite persistent. I wondered if she’d been too much as Meg’s stroppy ex in This London Love, but by the end of that book, she’d redeemed herself. The die was cast: Tanya was going to be the linking character. Continue reading » “Writing A Girl Called London”


The Lesbian Book Club With KG MacGregor

Episode 17 of The Lesbian Book Club sees me interviewing US lesfic writer KG MacGregor, whose most recent book was Touch Of A Woman. KG is a prolific writer with more than 20 novels to her name spanning a long author career first in Xena fanfic, and now in lesfic. She talks about her writing process, how her style has evolved and her future plans, as well as outlining her role as president of the Lambda Literary Association. Find out all this & more in our ace chat!

As usual, I also do a run-down of the Amazon lesbian fiction charts in the US & UK which features books from authors such as Gerri Hill, Harper Bliss, Catherine Ryan-Hyde and Patricia Highsmith. Plus, I share what I’ve been up to of late – mainly writing books, trying to have a healthy February and baking cakes! Get in touch and let me know who you’d like as a guest on the show: mail@clarelydon.co.uk


New Short Stories Ahoy!


Have you been sitting around thinking “I wish that Clare Lydon would write some short stories and stop watching Come Dine With Me”? Well you’re in luck! Because this month, as well as launching my new novel The Long Weekend, I’ve also been fortunate enough to contribute two brand new short stories to two different anthologies! Honestly, you wait for one charity lesbian fiction anthology to rock up, then two show up at once… Continue reading » “New Short Stories Ahoy!”


The Lesbian Book Club with Angela Peach

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve teamed up with Denise at My Lesbian Radio to host a new podcast, The Lesbian Book Club. I’ll be interviewing authors and discussing trends and new releases in the world of lesbian fiction, as well as just having a right old gas about books. The first episode is live and clickable above, and sees me interviewing author Angela Peach about the upcoming UK charity lesfic anthology L Is For… Listen up & listen now!

For more awesome shows from MyLesbianRadio including an interview with Diva’s editor Jane Czyzselska, head here.

TheLongWeekend-200x320My new novel The Long Weekend is out now and available from Amazon by clicking the links below.

amazon.co.uk-yellow-buy-button   amazon.com-yellow-buy-button
