It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Just ask Santa. Whatever that means to you – Christmas/Hanukkah/Las Posadas/winter solstice/Diwali/sitting on your couch with a tub of Quality Street – it counts!
The one unalterable fact this holiday season is that you need gifts to lavish on your loved ones, and fast. But fear not! If you’re scratching your head wondering what to buy, I’ve done some leg work and found you ten gift ideas for the book lover in your life. I know. Thank me later. Ready? Take my hand and let’s go shopping…
- These in-ear wireless headphones are perfect for the podcast/audiobook lover in your life. Or just treat yourself. That’s what I did. These do away with the faff of wires, and 8-hour battery life means you don’t have to worry about constant re-charging either. Win! (UK readers click here)
2. Hydro Flask – We all want to save the planet, and this is your chance to do it in a stylish way (and plug into your butch side, natch). This metal, all-purpose bottle keeps your coffee piping hot in the morning, and your water cool throughout the day. (UK readers click here)
3. Moleskine notebook – Wonder Woman edition & stickers! I know, right?! I mean, c’mon. Who wouldn’t love a Moleskine notebook covered with Wonder Woman stickers to play with on Christmas Day? (UK readers click here)
4. Lamy Ballpoint Pen – The pen IS mightier than the sword, so make yours as stylish and sturdy as possible. Plus, it’s unisex. Because pens have genders, obvs. (UK reader click here)
5. With all the notebooks, pens, and drinks you have to carry, why not use a tote bag with a feminist message to make sure everyone knows you’re not to be messed with?
For UK readers, a tote bag with a different message.
6. I heart coffee, and this sample selection of coffee means you can wake up on Christmas morning, boil the kettle and try hot ground beans from all around the world. What a time to be alive! (UK readers click here)
7. I was quite excited when I came across this festive gem from lesbian royalty, Jeanette Winterson. This tome has some festive shorts, as well as Jeanette’s personal Christmas recipes. So this year you can read Jeanette, and then cook like Jeanette! (UK readers click here)
8. How about something for the house? These book inspired cushion covers are perfect to adorn your sofa.
If you’re in the UK, be a rebel and grab this Banned Books Cushion Cover.
9. Kindle Paperwhite – the gift that any reader will thank you for. Even better, why not fill it with an array of lesfic books, starting with all my Book Recommendations. (UK readers click here)
10. Finally, if you haven’t got all of my back catalogue, now would be a great time to fill in the gaps. Whether you’re after the festive All I Want For Christmas, or my most recent rom-com Made In London, download them as an ebook, listen on audio, or order a signed copy by writing to: – Don’t leave it too late, order today!