2021 Wrap-Up!

It’s safe to say that 2021 was not the year we all thought it would be. At the start, I had dreams the pandemic would be done and dusted by the summer, and life would return to some form of normality. It didn’t. For me personally, it was also the year that family issues led to me not working as much as I intended. Life happens! However, in a year when many died and even more are still suffering viral after-effects, I consider getting through the past 12 months without getting covid a win. Plus, I still managed to get stuff done. If you’re interested to know what, here’s my 2021 wrap-up…

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My Goals For 2020: How Did I Do?

So let’s get this out of the way first: 2020. Crikey bananas, what a year. I went into it full of optimism, but after March, things took a decided turn for the worst. But for all the terrible things around the world, business-wise at least, 2020 was my best year yet. I know. I’m not going to dwell on the pandemic, divisive politics and racism: 2020 had them all. This blog entry is going to see how 2020 was for me professionally. Did I hit my goals? Did I publish books? Did I survive? If you want to know the sticky details, read on… Continue reading » “My Goals For 2020: How Did I Do?”
