Change Of Heart Nominated For A Goldie!

Thrilled to share that Change Of Heart, my fake relationship romance with a twist, has been announced as a finalist for this year’s Golden Crown Literary Awards. Toot toot! The book joins a fabulous list of contemporaries in the Contemporary Romance: Mid-Length category, including the likes of Radclyffe, Jae, Monica McCallan and Georgia Beers. It’s fabulous to be nominated alongside these wonderful women, and I can’t wait for the awards in July.


Free First Kisses Anthology!

Fancy drowning in snogs? The fabulous Jae, author supreme, has launched a new, FREE anthology called First Kisses. 55 first-kiss scenes from 55 authors of sapphic fiction. Including one from me!

What can you expect? Hot lip-locks aplenty from a huge variety of authors including Harper Bliss, Jae, Max Ellendale, AL Brooks, TB Markinson, Erica Lee, Lee Winter, Monica McCallan and tons more!

You can download the free ebook in the format of your choice (Kindle/mobi, ePub, or PDF) via the link below. There’s no need to subscribe to any newsletter; just download and sink into a carpet of kisses. A tsunami of snogs. A pride of pashes.

Download it by clicking here!

Happy reading!


Best Lesbian Christmas Books!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Sort of. I mean, 2020 is testing us all. But there is still mulled wine, chocolates and twinkly lights. So let’s run with it. I adore the run-up to Christmas: late November and all of December are my absolute faves, and the thing I love most are Christmas movies. Unexpected snow storm? Tick. Stuck in a picturesque cabin with an impossibly good-looking stranger? Tick. Been summoned home to deal with a family crisis, and whaddayaknow, you bump into your first love? Tick, tickety, tick!

But much as I love Christmas movies, what I wouldn’t give for a few more with two women in the starring romantic roles – and that’s where queer Christmas books come in! Festive stories abound this time of year, so if you want your fix of yuletide love with some women at the helm, step this way. Here are my picks for a lesbian Christmas tale, best served with mulled wine and a Lindt Santa…

Continue reading » “Best Lesbian Christmas Books!”


The Lesbian Book Club Summer Special!

Welcome to episode 62 of the Lesbian Book Club where I interview eight lesbian fiction authors and asks them how their 2020 is going in this Half-Year Summer Round-Up show. What a year it’s been so far, right? Nobody could have written this.

The eight authors are: Eliza Lentzski, Clare Ashton, Cheyenne Blue, Giselle Fox, Jae, Wendy Hudson, KJ & Lise Gold. I quiz them on what they’ve learned, what they’ve written, the plans for the rest of the year, where they’d love to be and their future hopes. Expect high-brow answers, lofty goals and humour peppered throughout.

I also do a run-down of the Amazon Lesbian Fiction charts in the US & UK. Plus, I outline how I’ve changed my publishing goals for the year, shifting her next London Romance book to January 2020 after completing my own Half-Year Goals Round-up and reflecting on it. I hope you enjoy this special girl-gang episode, I loved asking so many authors how their year is going!


The Lesbian Book Club: Festive Special!

Welcome to episode 56 of the Lesbian Book Club as I round up the final chart of the year for lesfic on Amazon UK & US, then give you a run down of how my year’s gone. The answer: it’s been my best year yet! I’m currently finishing off a first draft of my first book due in 2020. Tune it to find out my publishing plans for the year ahead.

I then pose a few questions to a seven lesbian fiction authors: Jae, Clare Ashton, Melissa Tereze, Lise Gold, Jen Silver, Jody Klaire and SR Silcox answer the following. First, favourite lesfic of the year. Second, favourite festive lesfic ever. Third, what they’re hoping for from Santa. Fourth, what they like to eat and drink at Christmas. Finally, their publishing plans for the year.

Thanks to Denise at The Lesbian Lounge for hosting and producing this podcast, it’s much appreciated!


I Did An Interview With Jae!

There aren’t many authors who leave me a little starstruck, but Jae is one of them. She’s a powerhouse of lesbian fiction, with oodles of books under her belt and a fanbase to be revered. So when she asked me to be a featured author on her website, answer a few questions and give away a copy of Made In London, I jumped at the chance. Want to read more and find out about what I think about London, writing, podcasting and more? Click here to read the full interview. Thanks for having me, Jae. I hope you enjoy the interview!


Best Lesbian Christmas Books

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For me, that’s true. I adore the run-up to Christmas, it’s just the day itself that’s a bit of an anti-climax. But late November and all of December are my absolute faves – and the thing I love most are Christmas movies. Unexpected snow storm? Tick. Stuck in a picturesque cabin with an impossibly good-looking stranger? Tick. Been summoned home to deal with a family crisis, and whaddayaknow, you bump into your first love? Tick, tickety, tick! But much as I love Christmas movies, what I wouldn’t give for one with two women in the starring romantic roles – and that’s where queer Christmas books come in! Festive stories abound this time of year, so if you want your fix of yuletide love with some women at the helm, step this way. Here are my picks for a lesbian Christmas tale, best served with mulled wine and a Lindt Santa…

Continue reading » “Best Lesbian Christmas Books”


Lesbian Fiction: My Top Festive Picks!


In case you weren’t aware, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! I love everything about Christmas: the tinsel, the lights, the music, the movies, the food – and especially the drinks. Mulled wine and a river of chocolate – what’s not to love?! But weirdly, much as I love Christmas, I didn’t get into Christmas books until around three years ago when I read my first Christmas romance and I was hooked. And let me tell you – Christmas books aren’t just for the season – I love to read them all year round. So this year, I thought I’d refresh my favourite Christmas lesfic offerings. So here, for your delight, are my top five festive picks! Continue reading » “Lesbian Fiction: My Top Festive Picks!”


Lesbian Fiction: Best Christmas Books


I LOVE Christmas. Everything about it: the tinsel, the lights, the music, the movies, the food – and especially the drinks. Mulled wine and a river of chocolate – what’s not to love?! But weirdly, much as I love Christmas, I didn’t get into Christmas books until around three years ago when I read my first Christmas romance and I was hooked. And let me tell you – Christmas books aren’t just for the season – I love to read them all year round. And this year, I’ve read a few more, so I thought – why not put together a list of my favourites? So here they are – I hope you enjoy! Continue reading » “Lesbian Fiction: Best Christmas Books”


The Lesbian Book Club with Jae

Welcome to Episode 9! In this episode of the Lesbian Book Club, I interview international smash-hit author Jae, whose latest books include Damage Control, Next Of Kin and Under A Falling Star. Jae talks about her writing life, the psychology of being a writer, her huge catalogue of work and how she keeps writing hit after hit. A must-listen for all her fans and for any writer who wants to know more about the secret of writing success!

Plus, I also do a run-down of the Lesbian Charts in the US & UK, a recap of this year’s fantastic London Pride, as well as giving an update on my new book This London Love which is out now! Fill up your ears today!

The Lesbian Book Club is hosted and produced by
