London Calling Does London


My debut novel London Calling is set in London – the clue’s in the name, right? To me, London is the greatest city in the world, bursting with character, characters, love and life. Tired of London, tired of life? Never a truer word spoken. So to celebrate, I thought I’d take my book on a trip around the capital, show it some sights and get it to meet new people. It had a great time… Continue reading » “London Calling Does London”


Same Sex Marriage Is Go!


Well that was easy wasn’t it? So long as you discount the decades of struggle, years of neglect and a whole 13 months from the Same Sex Marriage bill being approved in the Commons to it finally becoming law. Yes, the British legal system might move at the speed of chilled glue but we now have a date when same sex marriage will be legal: March 29th 2014. All of which means that when I get married in May, I really will be doing just that…

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