It Started With A Kiss Available Everywhere!

Really pleased to let you know that my sunshine vineyard romance, It Started With A Kiss, is now available across all platforms where ebooks are sold. That includes Kindle, Apple, Kobo, Google, Nook and many more. If you’ve been waiting for it to come out wide, now’s the time to download it, sit back, relax and enjoy my Kindle Storyteller-nominated tale. It Started With A Kiss is also available in print and audiobook.

Jump to the book page with links to all the retailers by clicking here. Whichever format you choose, I hope you enjoy!


2022 Wrap-Up!

It’s the end of another 12 months, and what a year it’s been! 2022 has had its high points, but also its lows. Professionally it’s been grand, putting out my first self-published translation, and getting shortlisted for the Kindle Storyteller Awards. Personally, it’s been a rollercoaster, losing my dad and being ill and in hospital twice. I’m hoping for a smoother personal year in 2023! With that as the background, did I achieve everything I set out to do? Read on to find out…

Continue reading » “2022 Wrap-Up!”


It Started With A Kiss: Cover Reveal!

Thrilled to reveal the cover for my upcoming lesbian romance, It Started With A Kiss. This one is based in a UK vineyard and it’s got sass, style and swagger. If you love Hollywood first kisses and sizzling chemistry mixed with wine and sunshine, have I got the book for you! You can read the full blurb here, and the first chapter here. In the meantime, I hope you’re excited for the story of Skye and Gemma!
