Pride Month Sale: 25% Off!

Happy Pride Month! To celebrate, I’m doing a 25% off all my books for sale on my web shop. All you need to do is head over there, select the books you want, then check out using the coupon code HAPPYPRIDE.

Nearly my whole back catalogue is there, including all the London Romance books and boxsets, the All I Want series and boxsets, as well as six standalone novels: Before You Say I Do, Christmas In Mistletoe, You’re My Kind, Twice In A Lifetime, The Long Weekend and Nothing To Lose. What are you waiting for? Go stock up on lesbian romance and make Pride month that little bit happier. Sale ends June 30th, use the code HAPPYPRIDE at checkout. Happy reading!


Jae’s Sapphic Reading Challenge: Start Here!

Are you doing Jae’s Sapphic Reading Challenge 2021? If not, maybe you should consider it! There are prizes on offer, as well as the chance to read more widely and be introduced to a ton of new books and authors. Plus, if you join her Facebook group, you could even chat about the books you’ve read with other like-minded readers, too. It’s a triple win!

How does it work? In Jae’s own words: “The goal is to read sapphic books that fit as many of the 50 categories listed as possible. You can read ebooks, paperbacks, or audiobooks; and they can be new-to-you books or re-reads. I’ll post book recommendations for a new category once a week. Of course, you could also just read whatever books you want and then, afterwards, see what categories they fit into. Depending on how many sapphic books you manage to read in 2021, you can earn different badges and book prizes.”

Basically, read books that fit certain tropes, and there are prizes to be had! Plus, you get to call yourself a Book Penguin, a Book Dragon or even a Book Unicorn.

Jae has 50 categories to tick off in her challenge, so I thought I’d list my books and what category they fit in. I’ve got 18 novels, and there are 50 categories. I might miss some matches, but I’m going to do the absolute best I can, and hopefully it might help you to fill your challenge card and puff your reading muscles. Ready? Here goes…

Continue reading » “Jae’s Sapphic Reading Challenge: Start Here!”


My Goals For 2021

It’s January! It’s 2021! I want to run up to this new year and give it a kiss, but I can’t. Social distancing and all that. So while this fresh start feels like groundhog day, I’m banking on there being light at the end of the tunnel. With that in mind, 2021 is all about keeping the faith and writing some books. Ready to read my plans? Here they are… Continue reading » “My Goals For 2021”


My Goals For 2020: How Did I Do?

So let’s get this out of the way first: 2020. Crikey bananas, what a year. I went into it full of optimism, but after March, things took a decided turn for the worst. But for all the terrible things around the world, business-wise at least, 2020 was my best year yet. I know. I’m not going to dwell on the pandemic, divisive politics and racism: 2020 had them all. This blog entry is going to see how 2020 was for me professionally. Did I hit my goals? Did I publish books? Did I survive? If you want to know the sticky details, read on… Continue reading » “My Goals For 2020: How Did I Do?”


My Goals For 2018

It’s 2018! Holy moly, how did that happen? But happen it has, and having been away for the past month, I’m raring to tackle the year and try to stay sane during the process. Will I succeed? Only time will tell. Here’s my goals for the coming 12 months in lesbian fiction…

Continue reading » “My Goals For 2018”


The Lesbian Book Club with Kate Christie

Welcome to episode 34 of the Lesbian Book Club as I interview US author Kate Christie who’s written many books including Training Ground, Game Time, In The Company Of Women and Gay Pride And Prejudice. Her books take in romance, the army, and soccer, and in this interview we get the nitty gritty on Kate’s writing style, the low down on why she took on the Jane Austen classic, and how she thinks writing lesbian fiction is a political act in today’s climate.

As usual, I also do a run-down of the Amazon Lesbian Fiction charts in the US & UK, as well as talking about the upcoming Diva Literary Festival in Birmingham on Nov 3rd-5th. Get your tickets now and I’ll see you there! Plus, I reveal the title of my next novel – Twice In A Lifetime – as well as announcing the successful launch of my audiobook of Nothing To Lose which has hit the best-seller charts on Audible in the UK and the US!  If you would like a free review code for Audible US or UK, get in touch and let me know:

The Lesbian Book Club is hosted and produced by The Lesbian Lounge.


Nothing To Lose Audiobook Out Now!

NTL-audiobook-500I’m really excited to bring you the news that my first ever audiobook – Nothing To Lose: A Lesbian Romance – is out now! I’m a huge fan of audiobooks and audio in general, so I hope you give it a listen and let me know what you think. It’s been a crazy journey getting this done, but I’m thrilled it’s finally out there for you to enjoy! Let me tell you a little about the process of getting it done… Continue reading » “Nothing To Lose Audiobook Out Now!”


The Lesbian Book Club with Rosie Wilby

Welcome to episode 33 of the Lesbian Book Club as I interview UK broadcaster, comedian and author Rosie Wilby, who’s just released her book Is Monogamy Dead? Rosie’s book is non-fiction in a change for this podcast, and asks the title’s question by journeying through her life, shining a spotlight on all her relationships and asking some searching and often awkward questions. Rosie talks about the writing journey, what she learned and how her new partner is coping with her promoting such a book!

As usual, I also do a run-down of the Amazon Lesbian Fiction charts in the US & UK, as well as talking about the Golden Crown Literary Awards, listing all the winners in the lesbian fiction categories. Plus, there’s news of the Diva Literary Festival taking place in November in the UK, as well my first ever audiobook of my lesbian romance Nothing To Lose, due out the first week of August. Get in touch and let me know who you’d like on the podcast – and if you’d like a code to review my audiobook, drop me a line at:
