A Day In The Life Of An Author

This month, I’m taking part in an independent author panel at LFest 2014, giving a reading from my debut novel London Calling as well as chatting about the process of writing. It’s going to be sharp, bold and sassy, and I’ll be appearing alongside other indie authors Clare Ashton, Kiki Archer and Cindy Rizzo. Above is a promo video I did for LFest, A Day In The Life Of An Author – all tongue in cheek of course. I actually spend far more time faffing around on social media every day than is shown here…

LFest is taking place from July 18th-21st at Uttoxeter Race Course. Find out more and buy tickets here.


The One Where I Got Married…


I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I recently got married. Yes, after months of preparation, a few belated weeks of stress and last-minute panic-buying from Poundland (no expense spared), it finally happened. Family and friends flew in from all corners of the globe and the country, I slept the night before, reminding myself to say I do and squeezed my eyes tight shut, hoping for no rain. Sure enough, when I woke up the sun shone bright with temperatures topping 80 degrees. Clearly, god loves the gays… Continue reading » “The One Where I Got Married…”


Top Ten Wedding Worries


I’m getting married in ten days. Ten. Fucking. Days. So, to share how I’m feeling with you at this juncture, I thought I’d write a Top Ten Wedding Worries for you. Obviously, the rational part of me knows that 95% of what we worry about is completely unnecessary to worry about, but that doesn’t stop me worrying anyway, okay? When I was born, the nurse held me up and said: “Congratulations, it’s a worrier!” Here goes… Continue reading » “Top Ten Wedding Worries”


London Calling Does London


My debut novel London Calling is set in London – the clue’s in the name, right? To me, London is the greatest city in the world, bursting with character, characters, love and life. Tired of London, tired of life? Never a truer word spoken. So to celebrate, I thought I’d take my book on a trip around the capital, show it some sights and get it to meet new people. It had a great time… Continue reading » “London Calling Does London”


The Wedding Day Countdown


On Saturday March 29th, equal marriage will finally be made legal in the UK which is all sorts of awesomeness. On Saturday March 29th, it’s also precisely seven weeks until we get married which is all sorts of OMGness. I read an article in a magazine the other day and it listed all the things I should have done by now. I haven’t done half of them. Plus everyone keeps asking me how the plans are going, so I guess I should prepare a better answer than a manic smile and nod, right? Continue reading » “The Wedding Day Countdown”


Self-Publishing: Ten Things To Consider


I recently self-published my first novel London Calling: the key words in that first sentence are ‘self-published’. The debate rages on about whether authors should put their work out via traditional publishers or do it yourself, but for me it made sense to go DIY because I wanted to get my book out this year. So is it the right move for you too? Here are the top ten things to consider when self-publishing… Continue reading » “Self-Publishing: Ten Things To Consider”


The Debut Novel Whirl


Today is nearly two weeks since I gently pushed my debut novel London Calling out into the world and watched it take its first breath. The past 12 days have been exciting, tiring, liberating and exhilarating. But most of all, it’s been an absolute blast to watch my book climbing the charts in the US & Oz, to hit No.1 in the UK & Canada and then yesterday, to hold it in my hands for the very first time… Continue reading » “The Debut Novel Whirl”


Valentine’s Day: A Yearly Guide


It’s Valentine’s Day! Hurray! I know it’s Valentine’s Day because first, I looked at my calendar; and second, M&S has doubled the price of its meal deal so it must be true. For this special blog of lurve I’m going to take you on a journey of Valentine’s Day through the ages: from childhood to should-know-better. Because let’s face it, its acronym is VD for a reason… Continue reading » “Valentine’s Day: A Yearly Guide”


Gay Marriage = Natural Disasters? The Internet Reacts…


UKIP councillor David Silvester created a storm of his own yesterday when he stated that the legalisation of gay marriage was to blame for all the recent flooding the UK has experienced, claiming David Cameron had acted “arrogantly against the gospel.” Uh-huh. Predictably, Twitter and the internet reacted with UK humour which is the only thing you can do in the face of someone who is clearly bonkers. Just for the record, I get married in May so expect a big gay rainbow over Islington on the 17th. Oh yes, I have the power… Continue reading » “Gay Marriage = Natural Disasters? The Internet Reacts…”
