Reboot: The 3-Day Juice Diet


This week, I decided to turn into a glossy magazine article and try out a 3-day juice diet – I’d seen it on the telly where a bloke did it for 60 days and lost a shedload of weight. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a truck of weight to lose but I am hopelessly addicted to weight loss shows and was curious to see if this one worked. How hard could it be? I think you might already know the answer… Continue reading » “Reboot: The 3-Day Juice Diet”


The Return Of Bridget Jones


Strictly speaking, I was never Bridget Jones. For instance, I’ve never owned a pair of sucky-in pants and looking back at photos of me in the mid-90s it might have been wise. I’ve also never pined after a lawyer, never slid down a fireman’s pole (fnar), never dosed up on self-help books, never had a bonkers mother. But there were (are) parts of me that are a teeny bit Bridget and always will be, which is why I’m more than a tad excited by her imminent return – as well as being thrilled that the insipidly wet Mr Darcy has carked it… Continue reading » “The Return Of Bridget Jones”


This Birthday, I’m Mostly a Libran


If you’re a keen reader of my blog – and a big hello if you are – you’ll know that this year, my birthday wasn’t a happy one. I was struck down with what turns out to be a viral inner ear infection comically called labyrinthitis (or the David Bowie film disease as my mate christened it). This meant I had to throw all my birthday plans out the window and instead, sit upright because every time I lay down, moved my head or went to walk anywhere, I felt nauseous and the world span. The upside of this is that my birthday was suspended and will now take place when I’m feeling better in October, so this year, I get to try out having a proper autumnal birthday and being a Libran… Continue reading » “This Birthday, I’m Mostly a Libran”


A Woman Alone In A Bar? Shocking…


On Saturday, I went to watch the London derby of Spurs vs Chelsea in a bar – and since I could drum up no interest from anyone else I was with, I went alone. Apparently this is still a shocking turn of events for some men whose eyes seemed to spin in their sockets at the sight of a woman solo in a pub, even though I checked my calendar and we are indeed living in the year 2013… Continue reading » “A Woman Alone In A Bar? Shocking…”


My Week As The Dog Whisperer


I’m not a dog person, which is a statement that will surprise nobody who knows me. I view most dogs as killing machines – yes, even the cute ickle ones with professor-style beards. Even sausage dogs. I read Clare Balding’s dog-infested autobiography last year with something approaching wonder, her doggy commitment showing no bounds. But dogs and me don’t mix, making an unhappy cocktail with no amount of stray hair floating on the surface. Lately though, I’m reluctantly having to don my doggy wings as a slew of my friends add a mutt to their family albums… Continue reading » “My Week As The Dog Whisperer”


Vertigo: Unhappy Birthday To Me


So this week was my birthday and birthdays have always been a big deal in my family: cake, cards, singing and presents were staples of my childhood and I’ve carried this tradition through to adult life. This year, as my birthday fell on a Saturday I decided to go dancing to celebrate along with a posh dinner the night before. Sadly none of it happened though as I was struck down with a case of vertigo which is far less fun than U2 would have you believe… Continue reading » “Vertigo: Unhappy Birthday To Me”


Ah, Autumn. I’ve Been Expecting You…


Last Thursday evening my parents came over for dinner. We took a ride on the Emirates Cable Car over the Thames and it was so hot (80+ degrees), my mum was convinced she was getting burnt during the ten-minute ride. We ate ice creams, had a barbecue in the garden and sat out until gone 10pm sipping Prosecco, the ultimate summer accessory. Then on Friday, somebody flicked a switch and turned on autumn. Is that really it? Tugging my scarf round my neck this morning, it appears so… Continue reading » “Ah, Autumn. I’ve Been Expecting You…”


Isle Of Wight: It’s An IOW Thing


Ever been to the Isle Of Wight? Me neither, until this week. I know someone who married a woman from there (hi Will!) and I knew vaguely where it was (down there) – but that was about it. I’d heard they like to eat ice cream, ride bikes and that the average age is around 75. And even though all of that was true, this city girl still found time to fall in love with the island… Continue reading » “Isle Of Wight: It’s An IOW Thing”


Painting: The New Sexy


So next week, I plan to paint our spare room which is where I’m writing this from today, sitting at my newly built desk. The desk means I’ll be spending way more time in here from now on, so clearly it’s time to put my mark on it. Currently the walls are a sickly yellow with a feature wall of peppermint green, both a hangover from the previous owners of the property who clearly thought this was the combination to inspire their toddler son. It doesn’t inspire me so it has to go… Continue reading » “Painting: The New Sexy”


2013: A Year Of Firsts


This year has been a strange one for me in many ways – but largely strange is a positive way, packed with things I’ve never done before. I mean, I’ve turned into an avid watcher of the Great British Bake Off (see here for more), I’m now a proficient jogger who doesn’t look like she’s about to die after ten minutes’ effort and I’ve managed to perfect the art of soft-boiling a quail’s egg. Yes, 2013 has certainly been a year of firsts… Continue reading » “2013: A Year Of Firsts”
